Transforming Touch

Beginning in Spring/Summer 2023, I will be offering both in-person and virtual sessions.

Transforming Touch® is a unique approach to hands-on healing developed by Stephen Terrell, PsyD, and author of Nurturing Resilience, which focuses on attachment and neuro-physiology. By utilizing touch, which is often the missing language of Developmental Trauma, this non-verbal method complements traditional psychological approaches to healing.

Transforming Touch is intended to help build resilience in the nervous system, particularly for those who have experienced early instability. The protocol is designed to down-regulate the physiology of hyper vigilance, using a progression of touch by a caring adult presence to nurture trust in oneself and others. This supports the emergence of a healthy sense of self.

Transforming Touch can offer relief for a range of issues including anxiety, stress, mood instability, sleep problems, low confidence and self-esteem, difficulties finding or maintaining relationships, addictive behaviors, and a desire for a happier and more fulfilling life.


Holistic Pelvic Care™


Somatic Experiencing®