Terms of Agreement

Restorative Presence


  • "Workshop organizers" or "organizers" means Audrey Burke, representatives, and affiliates.

  • "Workshop materials" means any and all collateral provided to participants before and throughout the course, including but not limited to PDF documents, knowledge, tools, and practices transmitted during live sessions, audio or video content shared, and any imagery used within these mediums where copyright is not attributed to an external source.

  • "Workshop tools and practices" are included in the definition of "workshop materials" above.


  • By proceeding with payment for any workshop or membership program offered by Restorative Presence, you acknowledge and agree that you have read, understood, and accepted these terms of service.

  • You understand that you are entirely responsible for your own personal safety, health, and mental, physical, emotional, and general well-being during and after all workshop sessions.

  • You understand furthermore that Restorative Presence is not an organization licensed to give medical advice, and as such any knowledge gained from participating in our workshops does not constitute medical advice for you as a participant or for any of your own clients with whom you apply the knowledge gained.

  • By consenting to these terms, you release the workshop organizers and providers, their representatives, and any of their employees, assistants, and affiliates of any liability for any injuries or damages mentally or physically you or any of those close to you might incur during or after the training.

  • All personal communications and shares made by participants in the membership will be held in strict confidence unless agreed upon directly with the course organizers.

  • The practice of the tools and practices provided in the workshops is not an exact science, and so predictions of the effects of the training and the implementation of the tools and practices provided are not precise or guaranteed. By consenting to these terms, you acknowledge that you understand this and that no guarantees have been made to you by the organizers as to the impact of these tools and practices.

  • Registration for all workshops and membership programs offered by Restorative Presence must be done individually. Fees are due per person taking part, and the content and materials are not to be shared with any third party without the prior consent of the organizers.


  • Restorative Presence reserves the right to cancel a program at any time, for any reason, prior to the commencement of the offering, in the event of which you will receive a full refund.

  • No refunds will be given under the rare circumstances of Force Majeure Causes (included but not limited to natural disasters, strikes, severe weather conditions, epidemics, earthquakes, or other acts of God).

  • In the event of your cancellation at any point after purchase, no fees will be refunded.

  • Your booking is not transferable to another person or another course or offering.